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With excellent design team and excellent production equipment, we provide excellent products and value service for our customers.
Welcome to Jiangsu Xuhai Opto-Electronic Technologies Co., Ltd.
Tel : 0516-66680087-8088
Signal-Gain Transmission Type Raman Detector(Under R&D)
  • clicks:4355
  • Product Category: PRODUCT Spectral Analysis(TDLAS,FTIR,UV-DOS,etc) Gain Raman Spectrometer Probe
  • product description:
  •    Xuhai signal-Gain transmission type Raman detector is designed for gas and liquid state analysis. Xuhai uses its unique boss cell structure to make excitation laser to excite Raman signal hundred to thousand times to amplify the Raman Effect. This kind of purely optical method to achieve 20-200 times Raman signal gain. Compared with tranditionla method of special coating, the optical method is reliable, stable and repeatable. Through Xuhai’s Raman Detector, our customer can increase Raman spectrum system resolution 20-200 times directly without changing anything.

       Xuhai’s product has already been widely used in Raman Spectrum System.

       This product will come to market in Q3-Q4,2020.


    Stable and Reliable

    20-200 times Raman signal gain.


       For detailed specification, pls contact Xuhai.

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